1) First, a little who's-on-first scene with the boy
Jameson smacked me really hard with this dumb toy that an overconfident Santa brought (a pointer stick with a plastic hand on the end of it...wtf?). I avoided cussing, but I did yelp and then sent him to time out. When I went to talk to him during the "debrief," this was our discussion.Me: Jameson, I put you in time-out because you hurt my body. That toy is going into time-out, too. I don't think you're ready to play with it.J: Why?Me: Because you hurt my body with it. Can you come take care of me?(He runs over to kiss my hurt shoulder.)J: Why?Me: Because you hurt me. You need to say sorry and see if I'm okay.J: Why?Me: I don't know why. Why did you hurt me?J: Because I hit you with that stick.-----------------------------------------------
2) Signs of Effective TeachingThings started to look up when Sophie offered me a surprise treat after dinner. But I had to earn it.Sophie: Were you a good teacher today?Me: Sure.Sophie: Did all your kids finish their work?Me: (thinking... "not exactly, but I want that treat") Uh-huh. They did.And then...right before she handed me the treat, she thought of one more requirement. She pointed her finger at me, raised her eyebrows, and asked, "Recess?"Oh, if only I could send them all out to recess, Sophie-girl!-----------------------------------------------
3) Finally...the pangs of neglectI ignored Jameson's crying for a few minutes while I goofed around on the computer. Finally, it had gone on too long, so I got him a little cup of milk and took it to him. Normally he smiles and takes it from me -- sometimes even says "tank oo" and settles down. Tonight he told me in the most pathetic, heartbreaking voice: "Dat made me weally weally saaaaad."