Thursday, December 6, 2007

Sophie's Words

I recently spent three nights away from Sophie because I was attending a conference in Dallas. I missed Frank and Soph sooo much (even thought it was kind of nice to skip the whining that happens around bath time and skip the groggy lunch-making routine every morning). But she grew a little in those three days -- and I think I might have missed it if it had happened right under my nose. Her new trick? Compound sentences!

Every day I ask her what she did at school. She always starts off with: I play with Kendall! (Um...even if Kendall's absent, this is how our conversation always begins.)

On the phone Tuesday afternoon, I asked her how school had gone: "I play with Kendall and Jason and Danny, but I not play with Roman -- Roman not there. Roman sick." Holy cow! A soliloquy!

Other funny things she said yesterday and this morning:
After sneezing on me: "I bless-you'd Momma's arm!"
After walking off with the cell phone and hearing me say, "Don't call China": "I called China. I said Happy Birthday, people!"
On the way to school today, she sang this song that I've never heard before: "Giraffe giraffe giraffe giraffe have a long neck like that, giraffe giraffe giraffe, hangy out the window!"

But communication barriers exist. This morning she said, "Where's my water? Where's my pink water?" I put some water in a pink cup and handed it to her. She burst into tears and started flailing her arms -- then walked over and smacked my leg. Yeah, yeah...I did the whole "Use your words, please!" routine, but I secretly thought, "No one hit me when I was staying at the Anatole."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to be a "people" in China.

Way too cute.
