Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Sophie has very definite opinions about fashion. My fashion. She does not like the Momma who wears a ponytail. She says, "Take it down! Take it down! Don't like that Momma!" She's also against sunglasses. Not for her, mind you. In fact, she has requested some new pink glasses because it's so BWIGHT outside these days. But she tells me, "Take off you sunglasses, Momma." I could try to analyze the situation -- I mean, maybe the Momma wearing sunglasses and a ponytail is the Momma who is ready to run errands -- ergo, the Momma who rushes around and bosses little people. I dunno. What I do know is that it irritates Frank to no end when I reach up and pull out the ponytail. Why in the world would I let a two-year-old tell me what to do? It's easier, folks. Sometimes, it's just easier. And there are those moments when she tells me, "You're my precious, precious baby, Momma."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AAAAAAWWWWWWWWWW!So cute! I love that photo!