Sunday, August 3, 2008

Summer Fun

What We're Doing On Our Summer Vacation,
by The Websters
We're hanging out at the pool. Sophie took swim lessons at the neighborhood pool so we're working on our swimming arms and kicking legs and "eyes in" techniques. We're eating popsicles and ice cream as much as possible. This picture is from a Wednesday "Art in the Park" Day:
We took Fat Callie to the dog park. The water level is really low, but we can still wade. Sophie looks like she's flailing to get away from this dog, but she actually liked him -- he had blue eyes, too: There are signs that say "No swimming allowed," but Sophie can't read. So she wallows:
When Frank encounters wildlife, a MUST CATCH buzzer goes off in his brain. Luckily, it was only a turtle. This time. (Last summer he tried to catch a water moccasin.)
Hello, turtle.
Jameson goes everywhere we go. And he gets lots of kisses every day. Mom can't help it -- his lips pucker up and they MUST BE KISSED.
It's super hot outside, so we spend time playing indoors, too. Sophie likes to play dress-up. And she recently learned how to turn on her cd player by herself and switch cd's. Her favorite cd is Bob Dylan, but on this particular day she was jammin' out to Toni Price.
The girl has moves. Check out her dance video:

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